Bicknor Wood. It's Almost Spring!

February 28th dawned blue-skied and frosty. Tomorrow is the start of meteorological spring and Bicknor Wood is gearing up to welcome the warmth. A walk in the wood revealed that the wildlife are eagerly anticipating the new season.

The bluebells have been peeking through gaps in the leaf-litter since the beginning of the year, but are now muscling their way up into the light. Their peak show is usually early May, but early blooms can frequently be seen before the end of March.

The bird boxes were being inspected and tried out for size. The interested birds seen during this walk were all Blue Tits, but at least 5 different species have been seen nesting in the boxes which are available for sponsorship through the Facebook page of the Bicknor Wood Residents Community Group

All the boxes were taken down and cleaned at the end of last season. 17 of them showed signs that birds had successfully nested. Some are consistently successful and were replaced in exactly the same position. Others were repaired, renewed or repositioned in an attempt to make them more attractive

A big "thank you" to all of you who sponsor the boxes. Your sponsorship contributes to keeping the woodland available to all.


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