The Dunnock Prunella modularis, frequently appears as a dull brown bird that simply melts into the background. It is well camouflaged for its life on the ground and is especially inconspicuous amongst the leaf litter of the woodland floor.
But good light reveals the subtle richness of its plumage and careful observation can uncover a colourful character.
It lives in a free love commune and might be thought of as the hippy of the woods. Males may mate with multiple females and females with multiple males. A female can deceive a male that she considers to be a good provider into thinking that he is the father of her clutch of eggs. She will mate with him, but has the ability to eject the first male's sperm if a stronger male comes along. Thus, she lays eggs fertilised by the strong male, but is supported in raising the chicks by the harder working provider who believes himself to be the father.
Look for them in the brambles where they make their nests, or on the ground below the feeder stations mopping up the scraps from the messy eaters above.
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