Big Bicknor Butterfly Bonanza

Here is your opportunity to get involved in a bit of citizen science. The Big Butterfly Count runs from this weekend, the 16th of July for 3 weeks until the 8th of August. The idea is to set aside 15 minutes to stop still and count the butterflies.

Speckled Wood Butterfly

Along with the bees, butterflies are important pollinators and appear to be in decline. Scientists need to know which butterflies are suffering losses so that they can formulate a plan to help conserve them. They need to know how many species you see, how many individuals there are and where you see them. 

Red Admiral

There are 3 easy steps; download the ID chart, then find somewhere sunny to sit for 15 minutes. 

Using the chart, identify and record any butterflies that you see and then upload your sightings to the app


If you wish to spend your 15 minutes in Bicknor Wood, may I suggest a couple of productive spots; The Dead Tree Clearing may produce a lot of butterflies. Comma, Red Admiral, Meadow Brown and Large White were seen there on 16th July. Speckled WoodRinglet, Peacock and Gate Keeper have also been seen there before. 


Close to the gate on Gore Court Road is a patch of brambles. Green-veined White, Large White, Peacock, Red Admiral, Speckled Wood and Meadow Brown have all been seen in this location.

Green-veined White

Just outside the wood on the southern side are the wildflower prairies of The Copse. Nobody said that multiple watches can't be submitted, so I tried my luck there for a while. Marbled White, Small Skipper, Large White, Meadow Brown, Gate Keeper, Silver Y (a day-flying moth) might be seen here. 

Silver Y

I would greatly appreciate a copy of any entries that you make for the Big Butterfly Count. Please send them to Thank you.

Orange Tip

If you get some photographs of your sightings, so much the better as an unusual sighting, or an unexpected number of a particular species may need to be verified.

Small Skipper

I hope that you enjoy the count and that we can add a few more species to Bicknor Wood's biological catalogue. The butterfly list currently stands at 12.  

Meadow Brown

Just so that you know, the bold type is used on the first occasion that each species is mentioned. Further mentions are in normal type. A red entry indicates a new addition to the flora and fauna of Bicknor Wood. Note, this is merely a new addition to my catalogue of Bicknor Wood. If you have any observations that you would like to share, I would be delighted to receive them. Please send them to 

Marbled White

The pictures in this post have all been taken in the woods or immediate surrounds.



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