Not a moment too soon
The nest box fitting was completed this week and not a moment too soon. There has already been a lot of activity. It seems as though the birds have been waiting for us to finish and they appear to be particularly taken with the Terry boxes.
Wrought from recycled decking boards to his own design, the "Original" Terry at no.25 attracted attention almost immediately.
A Blue Tit couple have been seen giving no.1 a good look, but the west-end is expensive and they may have to settle for something a little less grand in a more affordable area.
Birds were also seen inspecting no.9, no.10 and no.26.
At no.17, the more cost-conscious nester might consider the "Reverse" Terry. Built for the younger couple forging their way in the world, the Reverse Terry does not include the en-suite facilities of the "Original". Notable for the forward sloping roof, it is likely to be popular with the trendy youth who are prepared to gamble on house prices stabilising across the woodland.
So far all the interest has been shown by Blue Tits with at least 3 potential couples and 2 more singles. One Great Tit was seen near one of the boxes, but could not get an appointment to view inside and so is unable to commit.
Birds are likely to investigate many sites before they settle on one. They will consider the availability of food, likelihood of predation, doctors' surgeries, local traffic and standard of schools before committing. Once they decide, they will be seen frequently visiting to bring nesting materials before the female settles down to lay and brood her eggs.
Robins have been heard across the wood staking claims and the top end around the dead tree clearing has at least 3 males competing for the territory.
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